†: equal contributions / *: corresponding author(s) / underscored: Lab. member(s) / [Selected papers in chronological order]
Journal Publications
- Dynamic Periodic Event Graphs for Multivariate Time Series Pattern Prediction
SoYoung Park, Hyewon Lee, and Sungsu Lim*
PeerJ Computer Science, accepted (SCIE, 2023 IF: 3.5 (Q1)) - Non-destructive Analysis of Anthocyanin Content Levels Based on RGB Images of Red Lettuce
Giju Eoh, Sungsu Lim, and Jongseok Park*
Horticultural Science and Technology, accepted (SCIE, 2023 IF: 1.0 (Q3)) - Vessel Trajectory Classification via Transfer Learning with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Hwan Kim, Mingyu Choi, Sekil Park, and Sungsu Lim*
PLOS ONE, 19(8):e0308934, Aug. 2024 (SCIE, 2023 IF: 2.9 (Q1)) - Experimental Analysis and Evaluation of Cohesive Subgraph Discovery
Dahee Kim, Song Kim, Jeongseon Kim, Junghoon Kim*, Kaiyu Feng, Sungsu Lim, and Jungeun Kim
Information Sciences, 672:120664, Jun. 2024 (SCIE, 2023 IF: N/A) - Machine Learning-based Anomaly Detection on Seawater Temperature Data with Oversampling
Hangoo Kang, Dongil Kim*, and Sungsu Lim*
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(5):807, May 2024 (SCIE, 2023 IF: 2.7 (Q1)) - SiReN: Sign-Aware Recommendation Using Graph Neural Networks
Changwon Seo, Kyeong-Joong Jeong, Sungsu Lim, and Won-Yong Shin*
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 35(4):4729-4743, Apr. 2024 [code] (SCIE, 2023 IF: 10.2 (Q1/top 5%)) - User Tendency Based Rating Scaling in Online Trading Networks
Soohwan Jeong, Jeongseon Kim, Byung Suk Lee, and Sungsu Lim*
PLOS ONE, 19(4):e0297903, Apr. 2024 (SCIE, 2023 IF: 2.9 (Q1)) - MIGTNet: Metapath Instance-Based Graph Transformation Network for Heterogeneous Graph Embedding
Jongmin Park, Soohwan Jeong, Byung Suk Lee, and Sungsu Lim*
Future Generation Computer Systems, 149:390-401, Dec. 2023 (SCIE, 2023 IF: 6.2 (Q1/top 10%)) - mr2vec: Multiple Role-based Social Network Embedding
Soohwan Jeong, Jongmin Park, and Sungsu Lim*
Pattern Recognition Letters, 176:140-146, Dec. 2023 (SCIE, 2023 IF: 3.9 (Q2)) - Graph-based Anomaly Detection of Ship Movements Using CCTV Videos
Nakhyeon Seong†, Jeongseon Kim†, and Sungsu Lim*
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(10):1956, Oct. 2023 (SCIE, 2023 IF: 2.7 (Q1)) - A Novel Graph-based Missing Values Imputation Method for Industrial Lubricant Data
Soohwan Jeong†, Chonghyo Joo†, Jongkoo Lim, Hyungtae Cho, Sungsu Lim*, and Junghwan Kim*
Computers in Industry, 150:103937, Sep. 2023 (SCIE, 2023 IF: 8.2 (Q1/top 10%)) - Effective and Efficient Core Decomposition in Signed Networks
Junghoon Kim, Hyun Ji Jeong, Sungsu Lim*, and Jungeun Kim*
Information Sciences, 634:290-307, Jul. 2023 (SCIE, 2023 IF: N/A) - A Framework for Environmental Production of Textile Dyeing Process using Novel Exhaustion-rate Meter and Multi-layer Perceptron-based Prediction Model
Soohwan Jeong†, Jonghun Lim†, Seok Il Hong, Soon Chul Kwon, Jae Yun Shim, Yup Yoo, Hyungtae Cho, Sungsu Lim*, and Junghwan Kim*
Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 175:99-110, Jul. 2023 (SCIE, 2023 IF: 6.9 (Q1)) - LUEM: Local User Engagement Maximization in Networks
Junghoon Kim, Jungeun Kim*, Hyun Ji Jeong, and Sungsu Lim*
Knowledge-Based Systems, 255:109788, Nov. 2022 (SCIE, 2022 IF: 8.8 (Q1)) - Graph Anomaly Detection with Graph Neural Networks: Current Status and Challenges
Hwan Kim, Byung Suk Lee, Won-Yong Shin, and Sungsu Lim*
IEEE Access, 10:111820-111829, Oct. 2022 (SCIE, 2022 IF: 3.9 (Q2))
- # of citations > 50 - LEHAN: Link-feature Enhanced Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network
Jongmin Park and Sungsu Lim*
IEEE Access, 10:86248-86255, Aug. 2022 (SCIE, 2022 IF: 3.9 (Q2)) - OCSM: Finding Overlapping Cohesive Subgraphs with Minimum Degree
Junghoon Kim, Sungsu Lim*, and Jungeun Kim*
Information Sciences, 607:585-602, Aug. 2022 (SCIE, 2022 IF: 8.1 (Q1/top 10%)) - Link Pruning for Community Detection in Social Networks
Jeongseon Kim, Soohwan Jeong, and Sungsu Lim*
Applied Sciences, 12(13):6811, Jul. 2022 (SCIE, 2022 IF: 2.7 (Q2)) - Temporal Patternization of Power Signature for Appliance Classification in NILM
Hwan Kim and Sungsu Lim*
Energies, 14(10):2931, May 2021 (SCIE, 2021 IF: 3.252 (Q3)) - LinkBlackHole*: Robust Overlapping Community Detection Using Link Embedding
Jungeun Kim, Sungsu Lim, Jae-Gil Lee*, and Byung Suk Lee
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 31(11):2138-2150, Nov. 2019 (SCIE, 2019 IF: 4.935 (Q1)) - Efficient Spread-size Approximation of Opinion Spreading in General Social Networks
Byeongjin Choe, Yishi Lin, Sungsu Lim, John C. S. Lui, and Kyomin Jung*
Physical Review E, 100:052311, Nov. 2019 (SCIE, 2019 IF: 2.296 (Q1)) - Differential Flattening: A Novel Framework for Community Detection in Multi-Layer Graphs
Jungeun Kim, Jae-Gil Lee*, and Sungsu Lim
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), 8(2):27, Jan. 2017 (SCIE, 2017 IF: 2.973 (Q1)) - Motif-Based Embedding for Graph Clustering
Sungsu Lim and Jae-Gil Lee*
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2016:123401, Dec. 2016 (SCIE, 2016 IF: 2.196 (Q1))
- Qualcomm Innovation Award, 2016 - Phase Transitions for Information Diffusion in Random Clustered Networks
Sungsu Lim, Joongbo Shin, Namju Kwak, and Kyomin Jung*
European Physical Journal B, 89(9):188, Sep. 2016 (SCIE, 2016 IF: 1.436 (Q3)) - Analysis of Information Diffusion for Threshold Models on Arbitrary Networks
Sungsu Lim, Inwoo Jung, Seulki Lee, and Kyomin Jung*
European Physical Journal B, 88(8):201, Aug. 2015 (SCIE, 2015 IF: 1.223 (Q3)) - Stability of the Max-Weight Protocol in Adversarial Wireless Networks
Sungsu Lim, Kyomin Jung, and Matthew Andrews
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 22(6):1859-1872, Dec. 2014 (SCIE, 2014 IF: 1.811 (Q1)) - Modeling Multi-state Diffusion Process in Complex Networks: Theory and Applications
Yishi Lin*, John C.S. Lui, Kyomin Jung, and Sungsu Lim
Journal of Complex Networks, 2(4):341-359, Dec. 2014 - Phase Transition of Multi-state Diffusion Process in Networks
Sungsu Lim, Kyoming Jung, and John C.S. Lui
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 41(3):31-33, Jan. 2014
Conference Proceedings
- Diverse Knowledge Selection for Enhanced Zero-shot Visual Question Answering
Seunghoon Han†, Mingyu Choi†, Hyewon Lee, SoYoung Park, Jong-Ryul Lee*, Sungsu Lim*, and Tae-Ho Kim*
WWW 2025 Workshop (EReL@MIR), Apr. 2025 - GRAIL: Graph Retrieval-Augmented In-Context Learning for Node Classification in Real-World Textual-Attributed Graphs
Chanuk Lim, Kyong-Ha Lee, Hyun Ji Jeong, and Sungsu Lim*
EDBT 2025 (I&A track), accepted (BK21, 인정IF: 2) - Multi-Hyperbolic Space-based Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network
Jongmin Park, Seunghoon Han, Jong-Ryul Lee*, and Sungsu Lim*
IEEE ICDM 2024 (short paper), Dec. 2024 (BK21, 인정IF: 3)
- acceptance rate: 118/604 = 19.5% (long+short) - Hyperbolic Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks
Jongmin Park, Seunghoon Han, Soohwan Jeong, and Sungsu Lim*
WWW 2024 (short paper), May 2024 [video] (BK21, 인정IF: 4) - Improved Dynamic Coupled Graph Convolutional Recurrent Networks for Traffic Forecasting
Seunghoon Han, Sungsoo Kim*, and Sungsu Lim*
IEEE BigData 2023 (poster), Dec. 2023 - Performance Evaluation of Data Imputation Methods for Graph Deep Learning-Based Traffic Prediction
Jeongseon Kim, Sungsoo Kim*, and Sungsu Lim*
IEEE BigData 2023 (poster), Dec. 2023 - Exploring Cohesive Subgraphs in Hypergraphs: The (k,g)-core Approach
Dahee Kim, Junghoon Kim*, Sungsu Lim, and Hyun Ji Jeong
ACM CIKM 2023 (short paper), Oct. 2023 (BK21, 인정IF: 3)
- acceptance rate: 152/554 = 27.4% (short) - Development of Dye Exhaustion Behavior Prediction Model using Deep Neural Network
Jonghun Lim†, Soohwan Jeong†, Sungsu Lim, Hyungtae Cho, Jae Yun Shim, Seok Il Hong, Soon Chul Kwon, Heedong Lee, Il Moon, and Junghwan Kim*
PSE 2021+, Jun. 2022 - (p, n)-Core: Core Decomposition in Signed Networks
Junghoon Kim and Sungsu Lim*
DASFAA 2022 (short paper), Apr. 2022 (BK21, 인정IF: 1)
- acceptance rate: 147/400 = 36.8% (long+short) - Cluster-aware Semantic Vector Learning using BERT in Natural Language Understanding
Sangkeun Jung and Sungsu Lim
IEEE BigComp 2021, Jan. 2021
- Best Paper Award - 3rd Place - SSumM: Sparse Summarization of Massive Graphs
Kyuhan Lee†, Hyeonsoo Jo†, Jihoon Ko, Sungsu Lim, and Kijung Shin*
ACM SIGKDD 2020, Aug. 2020 [code] (BK21, 인정IF: 4)
- # of citations > 50
- acceptance rate: 338/2035 = 16.6% (research+ADS track) - Meta-learning on Graph with Curvature-based Analysis
Tae-Hong Moon and Sungsu Lim*
AAAI 2020 (student abstract), Feb. 2020
- acceptance rate: 140/287 = 48.8% (student abstract) - LinkBlackHole*: Robust Overlapping Community Detection Using Link Embedding
Jungeun Kim, Sungsu Lim, Jae-Gil Lee*, and Byung Suk Lee
IEEE ICDE 2019 (extended abstract), Apr. 2019 - BlackHole: Robust Community Detection Inspired by Graph Drawing
Sungsu Lim, Junghoon Kim, and Jae-Gil Lee*
IEEE ICDE 2016, May 2016 [code] (BK21, 인정IF: 3)
- KAIST Breakthroughs, Spring 2016
- acceptance rate: 99/395 = 25.0% - Triangle Counting in Networks Using the Multi-Level Branching Technique
Jungeun Kim, Minseo Kang, Sungsu Lim, and Jae-Gil Lee*
BigComp 2015 (short paper), Feb. 2015 - LinkSCAN*: Overlapping Community Detection Using the Link-Space Transformation
Sungsu Lim, Seungwoo Ryu, Sejeong Kwon, Kyomin Jung, and Jae-Gil Lee*
IEEE ICDE 2014, Apr. 2014 (BK21, 인정IF: 3)
- # of citations > 100
- acceptance rate: 89/446 = 20.0% - Stability of the Max-Weight Protocol in Adversarial Wireless Networks
Sungsu Lim, Kyomin Jung, and Matthew Andrews
IEEE INFOCOM 2012, Mar. 2012 (BK21, 인정IF: 4)
- Honorable Mention, Samsung Humantech Paper Award, 2012
- acceptance rate: 278/1547 = 18.0%
Workshops & Presentations
- Transformer-based Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Multivariate Time Series
Soomin Lee, Juheon Kwak, Wonkeun Jo, Sungsu Lim, and Dongil Kim
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2023, Oct. 2023 - Diffusion Model-based Oversampling for Class Imbalanced Problems
Geonhee Jang, Wonkeun Jo, Sungsu Lim, and Dongil Kim
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2023, Oct. 2023 - Accelerating Speech-Driven Talking Face Generation with 28× Compressed Wav2Lip
Bo-Kyeong Kim*, Jaemin Kang, Daeun Seo, Hancheol Park, Shinkook Choi, Hyoung-Kyu Song, Hyungshin Kim*, and Sungsu Lim*
ICCV 2023 Demo, Oct. 2023 [code] - A Unified Compression Framework for Efficient Speech-Driven Talking-Face Generation
Bo-Kyeong Kim*, Jaemin Kang, Daeun Seo, Hancheol Park, Shinkook Choi, Hyoung-Kyu Song, Hyungshin Kim*, and Sungsu Lim*
MLSys 2023 Workshop (ODIW), Jun. 2023 [code]
- Also, appeared in NVIDIA GTC 2023, Poster: Lightweight, Fast, and Accurate Speech-Driven Talking-Face Generation - Role-based Multi-aspect Network Embedding
Soohwan Jeong and Sungsu Lim
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2021, Oct. 2021 - Scaling Graph Neural Networks With Biased Random Walk Based Graph Sampling
Yeong Cheol Kim and Sungsu Lim
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2021, Oct. 2021 - Community Detection Using Link Attribute-Based Pruning
Jeongseon Kim and Sungsu Lim
ACCC 2021, Sep. 2021 - Scaling Graph Convolutional Networks via Link Sampling
Yeong Cheol Kim and Sungsu Lim
ACCC 2021, Sep. 2021 - TornadoAggregate: Accurate and Scalable Federated Learning via th Ring-Based Architecture
Jin-woo Lee, Jaehoon Oh, Sungsu Lim, Se-Young Yun, and Jae-Gil Lee
AAAI 2021 Workshop (RSEML), Feb. 2021 - Modeling Multi-state Diffusion Process in Complex Networks: Theory and Applications
Yishi Lin, John C.S. Lui, Kyomin Jung, and Sungsu Lim
Complex Networks 2013, Dec. 2013 - Phase Transition of Multi-state Diffusion Process in Networks
Sungsu Lim, Kyoming Jung, and John C.S. Lui
ACM SIGMETRICS 2013 Workshop (MAMA), Jun. 2013 - Generalized Mean-Field Approximation for Opinion Spreading in Social Networks
Sungsu Lim and Kyomin Jung
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks (WIDS), Nov. 2012 - Analysis of Information Diffusion on Threshold Models in Arbitrary Social Networks
Kyomin Jung, Seulki Lee, and Sungsu Lim
Workshop on Information in Networks (WIN), Sep. 2012 - Tipping Point of Information Spreading in Random Clustered Networks with Heterogeneous Contact Rates
Sungsu Lim and Kyomin Jung
CompleNet 2012, Mar. 2012
- Also, appeared in WIN 2012 & WIDS 2012
Domestic Papers
- 비볼록 벌점화 분위수 회귀를 통한 그래프 신경망 신뢰성 향상
박소영, 임성수
KSC 2024, 2024년 12월 - 도로 환경에서 LLM 기반 제로샷 이상 분할을 위한 방법론
이혜원, 박소영, 송민경, 임성수
KSC 2024, 2024년 12월 - AI 기반 스마트정수장 사이버위협 탐지
박지용, 임성수
제56회 한국정보통신학회 추계종합학술대회, 2024년 10월 - Graph-Mamba 기반 POI 추천 시스템
최민규, 임성수
제5회 한국인공지능학술대회, 2024년 9월 (우수논문상) - 교통 예측을 위한 기계학습 기술 연구 동향
한승훈, 김정선, 임성수
정보과학회지, 2024년 3월 (데이터 인텔리전스 특집호) - 준지도 대조 학습 기법을 활용한 그래프 이상 탐지
김환, 임성수
데이타베이스연구, 2023년 12월 (KCI 등재) - 그래프 딥러닝 기반 교통 예측을 위한 데이터 결측치 대치 성능 비교
한승훈, 김정선, 이혜원, 김성수, 임성수
KSC 2023, 2023년 12월 - 사전학습 언어 모델을 이용한 법인세 조세심판 결정 예측 모델 연구
배은형, 박소영, 임성수
KDBC 2023, 2023년 11월 (프로시딩 101~103쪽) - 클래스 불균형 해결을 위한 Diffusion Model 기반 Oversampling
장건희, 조원근, 임성수, 김동일
KCC 2023, 2023년 6월 - 응집성을 가지는 서브그래프 식별 기술의 최신 연구 동향
김다희, 김정훈, 임성수
전자공학회지, 2023년 6월 (인공지능과 데이터사이언스 기술을 활용한 ICT 융합 특집호) - 도시 네트워크의 교통 데이터 개선을 통한 그래프 딥러닝 모델 성능 분석
최민규, 한승훈, 김정선, 임성수
KSC 2022, 2022년 12월 - 감시 영상을 활용한 이동 선박의 이상 탐지
성낙현, 김정선, 임성수
CEIC 2022, 2022년 12월 - 문자 기반 유사도 알고리즘을 활용한 비정제 도로명주소 필드 전처리 프레임워크 연구
박필민, 임성수
KDBC 2022, 2022년 11월 (프로시딩 38~41쪽) - PageRank 알고리즘을 활용한 미생물 네트워크에서의 간선 중요도 추정
신섭재, 심동환, 임성수
KCC 2022, 2022년 6월 - 소셜 네트워크의 참여도에 기반한 핵심 사용자의 동적 식별
김정선, 김정훈, 임성수
KSC 2021, 2021년 12월 (우수발표논문상) - 역할 정보를 반영한 다중 네트워크 임베딩
정수환, 성낙현, 김정환, 임성수
KSC 2021, 2021년 12월 - k-NN과 그래프 신경망을 이용한 하이브리드 시퀀셜 추천시스템
구호근, 이수민, 조원근, 임성수, 김동일
KSC 2021, 2021년 12월 - 이종 그래프 표현 학습을 위한 링크 특징이 강화된 그래프 어텐션 네트워크
박종민, 강다현, 임성수
KDBC 2021, 2021년 11월 (프로시딩 13~16쪽) (우수논문상 금상) - 링크 속성 기반 분류를 통한 커뮤니티 발견
김정선, 정수환, 임성수
정보과학회논문지, 2021년 8월 (KCI 등재) - 분류를 위한 차등 프라이버시 보호 연합 학습
조승현, 이상화, 김수민, 김주희, 채명수, 임성수
KICS Winter 2021, 2021년 2월 - 그래프 링크 속성 분류를 통한 커뮤니티 발견
김정선, 임성수
KSC 2020, 2020년 12월 (우수논문상) - 그래프 클러스터링을 위한 삼각 분할 기반 임베딩
정수환, 박종민, 임성수
KSC 2019, 2019년 12월 (학부생논문 장려상) - 딥러닝 모델 압축 기술을 활용한 시각장애인 대화 보조용 감정 인식 어플리케이션
심규영, 최소영, 유태하, 채명수, 김태호, 임성수
KSC 2019, 2019년 12월 - 연속 신호 임베딩을 통한 복합 이벤트 탐지
김환, 김형신, 임성수
CEIC 2019, 2019년 12월 - Transformation-Based Community Detection from Social Networks
임성수, 이재길
JCCI 2016, 2016년 4월 (초청논문) - 소셜 네트워크 내 정보 확산 최적화 및 상전이 현상 연구
임성수, 김현아, 허우람, 정교민
정보과학회지, 2011년 11월 (SNS 특집호)
- Label-based Graph Augmentation with Metapath for Graph Anomaly Detection
Hwan Kim, Junghoon Kim*, Byung Suk Lee, and Sungsu Lim*
Expert Systems With Applications, submitted (SCIE, 2023 IF: 7.5 (Q1/top 10%)) - LLM-powered Scene Graph Representation Learning for Image Retrieval via Visual Triplet-based Graph Transformation
Soohwan Jeong†, Jongmin Park†, Mingyu Choi†, Yongjin Kwon*, and Sungsu Lim*
Expert Systems With Applications, submitted (SCIE, 2023 IF: 7.5 (Q1/top 10%)) - (Work on zero-shot anomaly segmentation)
SoYoung Park†, Hyewon Lee†, Mingyu Choi, Seunghoon Han, Jong-Ryul Lee*, Sungsu Lim*, and Tae-Ho Kim*
Conference, submitted (BK21, 인정IF: 1) - Fractional Cohesive Subgraph Discovery in Hypernetworks
Hyewon Kim, Woocheol Shin, Dahee Kim, Junghoon Kim*, Sungsu Lim, and Hyun Ji Jeong
Knowledge-Based Systems, submitted (SCIE, 2023 IF: 7.2(Q1)) - Bridges in Social Networks: Current Status and Challenges
Jeongseon Kim, Soohwan Jeong, Jungeun Kim, and Sungsu Lim*
PeerJ Computer Science, submitted (SCIE, 2023 IF: 3.5 (Q1)) - (Work on spatio-temporal traffic forecasting)
Seunghoon Han, Hyewon Lee, et al. (with Sungsoo Kim, Susik Yoon*, and Sungsu Lim*)
Knowledge-Based Systems, in preparation for submission (SCIE, 2023 IF: 7.2(Q1)) - (Work on graph anomaly detection)
Hwan Kim, Junghoon Kim, and Sungsu Lim*
Pattern Recognition Letters, in preparation for submission (SCIE, 2023 IF: 3.9(Q2)) - (Work on knowledge graphs with LLM)
Soohwan Jeong, Mingyu Choi, Susik Yoon*, and Sungsu Lim*
Conference, in preparation for submission (BK21, 인정IF: 4) - (Work on hypergraph mining)
Dahee Kim, Hyewon Kim, et al. (with Junghoon Kim*, Yeon-Chang Lee, and Sungsu Lim)
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, in preparation for submission - Machine Learning-based Estimation of Growth Parameters and Total Phenolic Contents for Different Lettuce Cultivars Using RGB Images
Juseok Jeon, Sangki Jeon, Seungun Ha, Sungsu Lim, and Jongseok Park*
Journal, in preparation for submission (SCIE) - Succinct Link Transformation-based Overlapping Community Detection Framework for Social Network Analysis
Seungwoo Ryu, Sungsu Lim, Seungsoo Yoo, and Sun Yong Kim*
Journal, in preparation for submission (SCIE)
Please visit [google scholar] for more information.