Machine Learning with Graphs
Instructor: Sungsu Lim @ CNU CSE
Web: CNU e-Learning
Course Description: This course teaches key concepts and algorithms for analyzing graphs from the machine learning point of view.
Textbook: Graph Representation Learning by William L. Hamilton
Grading: Assignments 40% (Two Reports), Course Project 60% (Proposal, Draft, Final Report & Presentation)
Term Project
Web: CNU e-Learning
Course Description: This course teaches key concepts and algorithms for analyzing graphs from the machine learning point of view.
Textbook: Graph Representation Learning by William L. Hamilton
Grading: Assignments 40% (Two Reports), Course Project 60% (Proposal, Draft, Final Report & Presentation)
Term Project
- 2~4명 1팀 권장, term paper 최종 보고서 제출 시 팀원 역할 기재
- Proposal 제출 이후 팀-교수 회의 (대면 or 비대면) 1회 이상 필수
- Proposal 및 Draft에 대한 관련 분야 전문가 리뷰 및 피드백 제공
- 한글 작성 권장, Proposal 2쪽 내외, Draft 및 Final Version 8쪽 내외
- 사이버캠퍼스의 sample paper, candidate topics, 평가 기준 등 참조
Week 01
Week 02
Background and Traditional Approaches (March 11, 2021, 2시간 24분) [slides]
- Chapter 2, Hamilton
Week 03
NetworkX, 실습 (March 18, 2021, 1시간 44분) [slides]
Week 04
Neighborhood Reconstruction Methods (March 25, 2021, 1시간 37분) [slides]
- Chapter 3, Hamilton
Week 05
Multi-Relational Data and Knowledge Graphs (April 1, 2021, 1시간 25분) [slides]
- Chapter 4, Hamilton
Week 06
Foundation of Deep Learning (April 8, 2021, 2시간 1분) [slides]
Week 07
The Graph Neural Network Model (1/2) (April 15, 2021, 1시간 46분) [slides]
- Chapter 5, Hamilton
Week 08
The Graph Neural Network Model (2/2) & Graph Neural Networks in Practice (April 22, 2021, 1시간 32분) [slides]
- Chapters 5~6, Hamilton
Week 09
Week 10
Proposal Presentation - Zoom (May 6, 2021, 1시간 50분)
- Project Proposal 제출 및 발표 (Due: May 5, 2021)
- 총 14개 팀 발표, 10:00~11:50 진행 // 영상 없음
Week 11
Week 12
Traditional Graph Generation Approaches (May 20, 2021, 1시간 50분) [slides]
- Chapter 8, Hamilton
Week 13
Deep Generative Models (May 27, 2021, 1시간 33분) [slides]
- Chapter 9, Hamilton
Week 14
그래프 기계학습 특강 (June 3, 2021, 40분 + 41분 + 22분 + 22분)
Week 15
Final Presentation - Zoom (June 17, 2021, 2시간 48분) [slides]
- Term Paper - Draft 제출 (Due: June 7, 2021)
- Term Paper - Final Report 제출 및 발표 (Due: June 17, 2021)